Chlor Alkali

Chlor-alkali technology produces essential chemicals like chlorine and sodium hydroxide, crucial for various industries including pharmaceuticals and water treatment. Digitalization is enhancing this sector by improving operational efficiency, safety, and sustainability. Read more on how our digital technologies are revolutionizing chlor-alkali processes to maintain industry competitiveness and resilience.


The US chlor-alkali industry is facing a significant shift. Historically, the sector has produced chlorine primarily through diaphragm technology. However, a recent EPA ban on asbestos imports for chlor-alkali production necessitates a transition for many plants in the United States. This move towards asbestos-free production methods has led to the increased implementation of membrane technology in the chlor-alkali industry.


thyssenkrupp nucera offers state-of-the-art chlor-alkali technologies: Bipolar Membrane (BM) Single Element technology, Bipolar Ion-Exchange Membrane Process Electrolyzer (BiTAC), and NaCl Oxygen-Depolarized Cathode Electrolysis technology (NaCl-ODC). Let’s take a closer look at each of these technologies and their benefits.